Catch Hatch Dispatch | Church Growth
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Catch Hatch Dispatch

The Jesus Strategy

Are you catching sharks?

Or Sardines?
Catching Sharks.jpg
Or Sardines?

Are you catching sharks?

With your bare hands, in a canoe, in the ocean?


Are you trying to win souls with strategies that do NOT work?


How about a strategy that worked

Pre-pandemic, Intra-pandemic, and Post-pandemic?



Welcome to the Jesus strategy…

Catch, hatch and dispatch. 



Have you ever seen the fish that walked up to the fisherman’s house, and knocked on his door? 
Some Pastors have an enormous amount of faith and believe that the Lord will send the harvest into their church! 


They have completly ignored what Jesus said, “GO  YE INTO ALL THE WORLD!”

You will only catch fish when you have the right​

Location, Contraption, & Transportation

1 Location

Growth Strategies For Chruches

In the material age, stone, bronze, and iron were the best technology available. It took years to cover the world. 


In the energy age, water, steam, electric, and combustion power helped people cover the world in hours. 


Today, we can cover the world in seconds with the gospel. 



Why are you fishing near the shore?

Launch out into the deep!




Your physical church has limitations.

There is only so much space.



Your aquarium will only hold so many fishes.



Your aquarium will determine the quantity the quality of the fish.

Your aquarium will determine your

Capacity, complexity, and capability, 

Your ministry is NOT
growing because of you?

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more
To one he gave five people, to another two people, to another one person, to each according to his ability.
Matthew 25:15


When the Master returns, what is your excuse?

  • How about moving from your aquarium to the river?


  • Stop looking for fishes in your aquarium...its the same number it was last year (or less)


  • Stop looking for fish in other pastors' aquariums.


  • How about fishing in the lake?


  • How about fishing in the river?


  • How about fishing in the ocean?


  • How about fishing with a bigger net? ,,, the internet?


  • How about looking beyond your local roadway, to the global superhighway?


2 Contraption

Catching Sardines.jpg

Are you catching Sardines?

With your bare hands, in a canoe, in the ocean?


Are you trying to win souls with contraptions that do NOT work?


How about a strategy that worked

Pre-pandemic, Intra-pandemic, and Post-pandemic?



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