How To Cancel Proof Your Ministry | Church Growth
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What happens to your ministry if?

What happens to your ministry if?

1. Facebook blocked your account today?

2. What if YouTube Censored you?

Your Bible messages you preach violate Facebook and Youtube policies! 


Many churches are being blocked for simply preaching or teaching about the 10 commandments




Your church or ministry can soon be next!

Cancel Proof your ministry



Send all social media followers to your website

Engage everyone who follows your page, liked your page, made a comment, or shared the post.  Ask them to come to your website for something of value. 

Entice people to come to your website for things like access to you, free giveaways, the continuation of the info you shared, more valuable content. 


Collect your followers' names, email, and telephone numbers on your website. 


You may need to give your followers something of value, in exchange for their information. If you’re not sure what to give away, here are some ideas to get you started.



A free PDF. Give them a report on something or a brief guide on something.

An audio content download. A lot of people prefer to listen to audio in their cars or on their lunch break, instead of reading.

A video download. Videos have a higher perceived value than audio.
A coupon or discount code. This is perceived as almost as good as cash, especially if they plan on buying.

Access to a forum or discussion area. People will sign up just to get access to advice and conversations in the private area.


Build a relationship with your followers

As you collect the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of your followers, you will begin to build a solid base on which your organization can build.

You are no longer dependent on social media to control you. 

You can go directly to your followers via emails. If your list is large consider using an Email Marketing Software. Email marketing is an effective way for brands to reach customers.

Here are some companies to consider.​


Use Texting to go directly to your followers. If your list is large consider using an SMS Marketing Software. Text marketing is one of the most effective ways for brands to reach customers, and today's digital tools are smarter than ever. 

Here are some companies to consider.​

With this method, you can still connect with your followers even if social media cancels you. 
Text and email your followers
Invite your followers to enjoy in all of your special events.
Send them a text message and email. 

You are free to carve your message exactly the way you want without worrying about social media banning you!
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